:: Abstract writing guide

Abstract guidelines for the 5th International Congress on Mobile Health

• Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word format (Word 2010 or the most up-to-date version), formatted according to the instructions given in the word template files) and submitted online with your username. The deadline for abstract submission is 26 October 2022.

• Abstracts have to be submitted in English.

• Only abstracts submitted online will be accepted. Abstracts submitted by fax or e-mail will not be accepted.

• The abstracts not formatted according to the instructions given in the word template files (the related link is available at the top of this page) will not be accepted.

• The only accepted file format is Microsoft Word.

• Authors are strongly advised to ensure the authorship order before submission, since following initial submission no change in the order of authors will be allowed.

• Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should be made only before submission.

• Accepted abstracts will be published on the official website of the congress.

• All accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (The journal is currently indexed by some credible indexing databases such as Scopus and Pubmed)

• 50% discount on the article publishing charges will be considered for the full text of the selected articles published in the main issues of the Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering.

• Submitted abstracts must neither have been published before nor be under consideration for publication in other journals, neither have been presented nor be under consideration for

presentation at any previous congress, conference, convention association and seminar (national or international). An author engaging in such unethical practices will be rejected.

• Authors are accountable for scientific content of the abstracts.

• The abstract submission fee is non-refundable.

• Submitted papers will be selected based on the established guidelines, including the fundamental nature of the study, scientific novelty, abstract, format, and quality.

• The results should have been entirely specified during submission, and phrases such as "the result is under investigation" should be avoided.

• The review results will be disseminated through the user panel.

• The sender shall be responsible for notifying other researchers.

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Click to get the word format of the articles


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